Guide price: £80-120
A large quantity of collectable and some expensive books mainly vintage Naval and British Empire genres. From a RETIRED SEA OFFICERS father's collection to include Deep Sea Salvage by Frank C Bowen, Deep Sea Salvage by AG Whyte etc, Rule Britannia by Cecil King, Battle Of Jutland Official Dispatches by The Admiralty, The Alps from End To End by Sir Wm Conway, Britains Merchant Navy by Archibald Hurd, The Navy in Battle, by Arthur Pellen, Merchant Adventurers by FA Hook, The Balaerics by Eric Whelptow, Singapore and After by Lord Stralbongi, Valiant Sailormen by E Chatterton, Merchant Men at Arms by DW Bone, Clear Lower Deck by Sidney Knock, By Guess & God Wm g Carr, The United States Navy by Carrol S Aldew & A westcott, Find Fix & Strike, by Terence Horsley, sailormen All by VAG Campbell, Sea Flyers by CG Grey, The Story of our Submarines by 'Klaxon', & the Complete Works Of Burns (Kilmarnock edition)!